Friday, June 5, 2009

Front End Finished!

I called Tyerman's yesterday and they said the car would be finished today. Sure enough, I got a call before noon. Couldn't leave work till later, but by 4PM I made it there and picked her up. $1035.00 for the labor and it looks/feels like they did a nice job. She really rides nice on all that new stuff. I grabbed the old parts just to have them. On the ride home I was reminded that the TV rod to control shifts was still a bit too light, causing slightly delayed shifting in a couple of gears, so once home I tweaked that a bit. I don't want to take her out for much of a spin tonight because it's Friday and folks are getting off work. I'll wait til tomorrow and take her over to the car wash for a nice bath.
Next up, clicking sound from the rear wheels that varies with car speed!

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