Saturday, August 14, 2010


Took the day off from car stuff for the most part but one of the things I wanted to do today was to take Lucille out and spend some more time breaking in the new brakes and getting a feel for how comfortable and reliable they felt. So at the end of the day I went out and cruised for a little more than a half hour. This time of day most folks are home getting the evening meal so there was minimal traffic. Lucille's brakes feel just as good to me as the first test drive. They are very sensitive but not grabby and they feel very confident.

With the steering upgrade that I did two years ago and the front suspension rebuild I did last year, the addition of this brake conversion makes the car a real pleasure to drive and much safer too. Yet the flavor of the Eisenhower era car is still there, still just as tasty as it always was. Maybe the mechanical foibles of the original are part of the experience for some. I think that when the car was new, the design flaws did not manifest themselves the way they do now, so not having them there may be a truer experience than we know. All I can be sure of is, I love driving the car when it works smoothly and feels safe. It never will be as safe as a modern car, of course. But is a huge improvement.

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