Saturday, July 24, 2010

Starting the Tidy Up

Today's tasks started with trying to fit the brake light switch to the new swing pedal. Maybe could do it, but why not just order a brake switch for a '73 Cadillac to match the pedal? Done. Will arrive in time for next weekend.

I cleaned and checked the tightness on the master lines and prop valve, then made a small plate to patch the hole in the floorboard where the original brake linkage went. Stuffed some insulation there and on the firewall on either side of the pedal mount and re-secured the carpeting.

Next up was to modify the heater blower. The original design called for a formed rubber spacer between the blower and the plenum. I suspect that was to cut noise and vibration but it rotted away long ago and replacements are completely unavailable.  With my earlier repair of the heater, I used some rubber plumbing parts for clay pipe to seal the gap but now I welded on a flange and used foam sticky tape to seal the flange on the plenum. Now I need to step down the 5" air inlet on the blower to the 4" outlet I welded onto the flat plate that replaced the blister. Later.

With this much done, I put the fender panel back in but it's not completely bolted in place yet. I'll finish tomorrow. The outlet from the master rear circuit is very close to the inner fender so I may be doing a little work on that tomorrow too.

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